12: And He, [the] Angel of YHWH, is answering and He is saying YHWH of Armies how long will you not have mercy on Jerusalem and on the cities of Judah against which you menace these 70 years? [the seventy years foretold by Jeremiah]
Zechariah 1:12 If the Angel of the LORD in this verse, is the same Angel of the LORD who is identified as the Almighty in Numbers 22, then what we have here is a conversation within the Godhead. We have an example of such in Genesis 1:26, where ELOHIM said, “Let US make humanity in OUR image.”
Jocelyn Andersen is the author of several non-fiction books, including, Redemption: Bible Prophecy Simplified, a Study of HOPE.
She will be releasing e-book and print [comprehensive] commentaries on every book of the Bible she features in this column. Click HERE to subscribe to book release announcements via her newsletter and for links to all her Substack columns. Connect with Jocelyn on Goodreads and LinkedIn.
Note from the editor: I read my Bible every day, always picking up today where I left off yesterday. I have been doing that for over 44 years. I read my Bible every day, always picking up today where I left off yesterday. I have been doing that for over 44 years. The posts on this column are notes on whatever passage I happen to be reading on that particular day. Read more about this commentary HERE.