Chapter Summary
Godhead: Zechariah chapter 14, by the hand of the prophet Zechariah, is entirely spoken by YHWH ELOHIM. Throughout, He refers to Himself in both first and third person. Every time He refers to Himself in the third person, He confirms and re-confirms the Godhead. The Almighty did not create the plurality of majesty fallacy. Earthly kings did that, and scholars wrongly extrapolate a prideful and entirely sinful man-made concept onto the Most High God, who is indeed a “We” or an “Us,”—a plural being who has no need of creating a concept of plurality as mortal princes do and have done.
God of Armies: The prophecy of Zechariah chapter 14 begins on The Day Christ Returns at the Battle of Armageddon and extends through His Millennial reign. Throughout this time, often referred to as The Day of the LORD, The Creator remains known as YHWH of Armies, as there yet remains one more great shaking and one more great battle at the end of the first one thousand years of Christ’s Kingdom, when Satan is released from his prison.
Sacrifice during Millennium: The Almighty, through Zechariah [14:21], speaks of sacrifice during the Millennium, just as He does through Ezekiel, when describing priestly activities in the Millennial Temple.
Jocelyn Andersen is the author of several non-fiction books, including, Redemption: Bible Prophecy Simplified, a Study of HOPE.
She will be releasing e-book and print [comprehensive] commentaries on every book of the Bible she features in this column. Click HERE to subscribe to book release announcements via her newsletter and for links to all her Substack columns. Connect with Jocelyn on Goodreads and LinkedIn.
Note from the editor: I read my Bible every day, always picking up today where I left off yesterday. I have been doing that for over 44 years. The posts on this column are notes on whatever passage I happen to be reading on that particular day. Read more about this commentary HERE.